Responsibilities of Dairy Companies in India Towards Consumers

All humans need a variety of nutrients to satiate the health requirements of their body. These nutrients not only assure proper growth and development but also offer strength and energy to carry out day to day activities. Milk contains a variety of nutrients that cater to the nutrient requirement of the body. India produces milk and the milk products in abundance. So, which are the key milk producing regions of India? Dairy farming in India is substantially concentrated in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The White Revolution in India was initiated in Gujarat. This is the reason that maximum milk production happens here.

Besides milk, other milk related products such as butter, ghee and cheese, etc. are also manufactured in abundance in India. Supply of milk as well as the milk related products is a necessity in every Indian household. So, where can one find fresh and raw milk? Raw milk is usually concentrated in the rural areas as here the non-adulterated cow’s milk is produced. Urban areas on the other hand receive only the processed milk. In the urban lands, cows are usually treated with chemicals and injections to raise the production of the milk. However, the sad truth is that this hampers the quality of the milk.

A successful dairy company in India must always promote the production and consumption of the organic milk. The organic milk of the cow is availed from the cows that are free grazing. These cows feed on grass and grains that are never treated with pesticides. Further, such cows never undergo antibiotic treatment. If by any chance, the cow falls sick then such a cow is taken away from the herd and is given the requisite treatment. Post the treatment, the cow is still not brought back to the herd. Thereafter, several tests are conducted to verify whether the effect of the antibiotics in the body of the cow is fully nullified or not. Only when the effect is zero, the cow is brought back to the herd and made to produce milk. The organic milk producing cows are never injected with the growth hormones or the BGH. This hormone is usually injected by the farm land owners to accentuate the milk production. Sadly, if humans consume such inorganic milk, the result of it may not be very good.

Hence, the dairy companies in India must only advocate the usage of the organic cow milk since it is healthy, pure and environment friendly.

Maintenance of a milk processing plant

There’s simply no doubt about how the dairy industry in India stands advantageous to that of countries abroad. From being a traditional and family run business in the past to an exceptionally organized vertical, India has progressed tremendously in this sector. All this has been possible because of technological specializations happening in every section of cow farming in India.

Courtesy the modern day farming equipment, milk farms across the country are able to manage several thousands of cows and buffaloes. This boost has also opened several job opportunities in the country. However, there are a number of dairy farms in India that still run the organic dairy farms in rural areas. They supply this milk to large companies. These companies have milk processing plants that process the milk and sell them to the retail outlets. In order to make your farm the best and ensure that it reaps in maximum profits you must create and run a farm that is sustainable and efficient.

What makes cow farming in India a suitable occupation?

In India, the climate is favorable all year round and this supports proper growth and development of milk producing animals. Moreover, the basic raw materials that is needed for dairy farming is available in abundance in India. Thirdly, India is a home to large scaled skilled labor. These workers willingly accept to spend their life in the farms. The entire technological infrastructure is readily available in our country. All the major elements that are needed for a free market system are easily available in India. Lastly, the country also has companies that are taking measures for innovation and bring up products that attract the urban markets. Topp up flavoured milk is one such innovative milk product that is relished by the kids.


Growth of cow farming in India

  1. With all the green pastures and so much rural space, dairy farming in India is a logical occupation option for many people.
  2. Dairy farming is a hugely popular and financially rewarding industry in India.
  3. Many people with some form of rural or agricultural experience find solace in running a farm on an area of land that offers a lot of appeal and a superb alternative to living in the fast-paced urban areas.
  4. If you are looking at running a dairy farm, there is much to consider. You need to know how many cows you feel you’d like to milk and just how big a property you’d like to manage. There are many dairy farms that require the help of farm assistants, particularly when several hundred dairy cows are concerned.
  5. There’s plenty to consider about dairy farming in India. However, if you like routine and love the thought of being away from urban society, then this occupation could be right up your alley.






Possibilities of foreign investment in the dairy industry in India

We all that the dairy industry in India plays an important role in the socio-economic development of India. They cater to the needs of the vast population of India by providing cheap nutritional food. It also plays a pivotal role in generating huge employment opportunities for those residing in the rural areas of India. Involvement of various dairy companies has contributed vastly to the successful dairy innovation in India.


Central Ministry of Agriculture is the backbone of the Department of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in India. It is this ministry that handles all the development that takes place in the dairy industry. The department also provides necessary advice and formulates programmes and the policies for the development of dairy industry. They also handle the matters related to the production as well as the preservation of the livestock farms. In order to focus on the dairy industry an institution known as the National Dairy Development Board was set up in 1987. The reason for the setting up of the board was to fasten the pace of dairy development and lure new investments. Since the dairy industry ensures good returns a lot of investors are willing to make an investment in this sector.

How is the dairy industry in India able to attract new foreign investment?

There are a number of reasons why the dairy products manufacturers are capable of attracting a huge foreign investment. One, the basic raw material that is needed for the dairy farming is available in abundance in the country. Two, there is a bounty of technically skilled labor in India. These people are willing to spend their life in the farms to make a living. Third, the technological infrastructure is available easily. Lastly, all the key elements that may be needed for the free market system are readily available in India.

Sectors in the –  Dairy industry in India

There are different sectors within the dairy industry that ensure good business investment offers.

  1. Biotechnology
    Cattle of India yield much more milk as compared to their counterparts. Cow farming in India is sacred and the breeders are constantly on the lookout for accentuating the milk yield. Thus a lot of investors are willing to invest in the dairy cattle breeding of the supreme quality cows and buffalos.
  2. Dairy/Food Processing Equipment
    Foreign investors see huge potential in making an investment in these cost effective and high quality machineries and equipments.
  3. Food Packaging Instruments
    There is a huge scope for the foreign investors in manufacturing of the packaging instruments that help in the development of stronger brand loyalty.
  4. Retailing
    Retailing of the dairy products also invites huge investments. This aids in gradation and standardization of the dairy products in urban cities.
  5. Different sectors
    Sectors such as manufacture of ingredients, finished products and technically advanced manufacturing units also involve huge foreign investments.

How is a work done in the dairy farm in India

Dairy farming is a strenuous and demanding job, but it is rewarding. There are a number of people here who are involved in dairy farming in India. So, competition of course is massive. But if you wish to begin with dairy farming you need to have the requisite understanding of business skills, technology and the desired educational preparation. You will find that today’s farmers attend training programs at university to learn about business and practice of agriculture. The daily life of a dairy farmer involves a large amount of hard work and the day starts early and ends late working both inside and outside. They have strong work ethics and are aware of the time and the hard work their profession demands.


The profession of dairy farming involves more than just milking the cows. A farmer usually starts his day early in the morning with herding of the cattle to its milking shed. Thereafter, the farmer gives the cow some milk to drink while he himself prepares a shed for milking. After that the cows are given feed and the milking begins. If it is a wet and stormy day everything is given special attention as the cows need adequate shelter, farmers will often move their stock to a paddock with surrounding hedges offering shelter from the elements. The baby calves are given grain and milk. Cleaning the milking shed concludes the milking session. After this the heifers and dry cows are fed a special diet. Measurements of the food for the dairy cows are then done for the evening feeding and the feeding for the next morning. It is important to make sure the weight and measurements are correct so that excellent production is unhampered. This is often done twice a day in most of the dairy farms in India.

During the different seasons of the year the farmer has different priorities and jobs to focus on. In the spring time cows produce the most amount of milk and farmers milk their cows twice a day. Mating also occurs during this season. During summer time, farmers plant crops like turnip and maize. Summertime is a slower period of the year as cows produce less milk due to the conditions of the weather. Hay making begins and cows graze the summer crops that were planted to help them through the dry season. Autumn brings a conclusion to the milking and it gives the dairy farmer an opportunity to work on the maintenance or development of the land. Farmers also began preparing for the next season in autumn and winters. This is the basic outline of how a dairy industry in India operates.