The market of dairy companies in India

If we look into Indian culture as well as anthropology, milk, and other related dairy products have always been an important part of the diet of Indians. Today with increased awareness towards health and nutrition, milk has become a necessary product for daily consumption. Besides, the development of a wide variety of dairy products have made milk and related derivatives a widely distributed consumer product. Undoubtedly, the market for dairy products is huge today in India and highly lucrative for harnessing. This is exactly the reason why an increasing number of dairy farms are coming up, all over the country. The dairy industry has become a major employer in rural India. The perks of establishing a dairy farm in India are as follows:


  1. Huge market scope


Cow farming as an industry is witnessing tremendous growth in the country. The markets are expanding and the consumption rate as well as volume of individual customer points is increasing. With a developed market, the dairy business in india is going to get better and better.


  1. Strong distribution channels


Today, the distribution channels are being streamlined and dairy companies in India are finding it very easy to reach out to the market. Government has undertaken several projects which have been successful in establishing cooperatives which help in clubbing dairy farmers for effective distribution channelling.


  1. Focus on innovation


High rate of innovation in the fields of animal breeding, animal health care and enhanced milk yield and quality is motivating the dairy industry to grow. The government of India too is known for sponsoring research in agricultural institutes and central universities so that more and more application based knowledge gets accumulated regarding dairy farming which could be used to develop newer tools and methods for achieving better productivity.


  1. Government help


The government of India has announced financial assistance to the youth who seek to start a career in dairy farming. Financial assistance is being lent to all who seek to establish milk processing plants on their own. Loans are being provided at low interest rates. The government is also planning of putting discounts on the taxes of a dairy farm entrepreneur. Moreover, government has also established training centres to impart the requisite expertise to run a dairy farm successfully. These training centres train the interested youth how to take care of cattle and also teach them how to produce different varieties of milk derivatives.


Thus, we can see that dairy farming is gradually becoming an excellent career choice for the rural youth. The industry of dairy farming is largely unorganized and scattered all over the country today. However, on local domains, several good dairy companies have gained prominence due to their marketing and branding strategies. Marketing and branding by the companies is extremely important for enhancing the sales of milk products, as the unorganized sector of the industry still rule the market.

Responsibilities of Dairy Companies in India Towards Consumers

All humans need a variety of nutrients to satiate the health requirements of their body. These nutrients not only assure proper growth and development but also offer strength and energy to carry out day to day activities. Milk contains a variety of nutrients that cater to the nutrient requirement of the body. India produces milk and the milk products in abundance. So, which are the key milk producing regions of India? Dairy farming in India is substantially concentrated in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The White Revolution in India was initiated in Gujarat. This is the reason that maximum milk production happens here.

Besides milk, other milk related products such as butter, ghee and cheese, etc. are also manufactured in abundance in India. Supply of milk as well as the milk related products is a necessity in every Indian household. So, where can one find fresh and raw milk? Raw milk is usually concentrated in the rural areas as here the non-adulterated cow’s milk is produced. Urban areas on the other hand receive only the processed milk. In the urban lands, cows are usually treated with chemicals and injections to raise the production of the milk. However, the sad truth is that this hampers the quality of the milk.

A successful dairy company in India must always promote the production and consumption of the organic milk. The organic milk of the cow is availed from the cows that are free grazing. These cows feed on grass and grains that are never treated with pesticides. Further, such cows never undergo antibiotic treatment. If by any chance, the cow falls sick then such a cow is taken away from the herd and is given the requisite treatment. Post the treatment, the cow is still not brought back to the herd. Thereafter, several tests are conducted to verify whether the effect of the antibiotics in the body of the cow is fully nullified or not. Only when the effect is zero, the cow is brought back to the herd and made to produce milk. The organic milk producing cows are never injected with the growth hormones or the BGH. This hormone is usually injected by the farm land owners to accentuate the milk production. Sadly, if humans consume such inorganic milk, the result of it may not be very good.

Hence, the dairy companies in India must only advocate the usage of the organic cow milk since it is healthy, pure and environment friendly.