Functions of a dairy farm in India

With time, government, producers and suppliers from different parts of the world shifted towards organic milk. This activity actually led to an increase in the number of farmers shifting towards organic production. Over the span of years, the supply of organic milk increased and it also promoted milk farming in India. However the change to organic farming actually required a considerable amount of financial support and the use of artificial pesticides was decreased. There are no doubts to the fact that, the consumption of organically grown food and milk is one of the best ways of avoiding chemical consumption and keeping health above everything. This is the reason why people from across the globe are making this positive shift towards the organic forms of farming.

While most of the research centers and institutes have agreed and favored the consumption of organic milk in comparison to traditional milk, some still doubt about its nutrition. It is the lack of conclusive research and proof which still forces people to doubt on consuming organic milk. The organic milk products are although an expensive option, but it is worth especially after keeping into consideration the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients contained it.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, organic milk has four requirements to meet i.e. no BGH treatments, no antibiotics, grazing on free land and no pesticides within the feed. The external factors if eliminated can cause cow to produce much better quality milk, which is bereft of any kind of health risk and is better for consumption. One of the biggest concerns with regular milk is the growth of hormone treatments, which is used for increasing milk production in cows. Hence, even though organic milk is expensive to consume but it still contains those important ingredients which are important for human growth and betterment.

According to various schools of studies and research conducted, organic milk produced by various dairy farms in India has proved to be a much healthier and safe option in comparison to regular milk. It has all the nutritional components which are otherwise not present in the non-organic products. Along with it, additional health benefits can be achieved which comes in terms of higher content of Vitamin A, E and also antioxidants. The products from organic milk products have sufficient amount of omega 3 component, which is considered as preventive against cancer or any sort of heart disease. It is great news for the consumers, as many people all over the world are deficient in Omega 3 and need supplements which can help them add omega 3 in their food.

How is Dairy Business in India Profitable?

The dairy industry in India plays an important role in the socio economic development of the nation. The dairy industry in India is providing consumers with cheap and nutritional food, something which can feed the whole population of India well and can also provide them with vast employment opportunities.

The department of dairying is responsible for regulating the matters of dairy industry. This department therefore provides the center and the state government with ideas or ways of framing development policies of dairy industry. Along with this, every matter related to production and preservation of livestock is taken good care of by this department. Dairy business is flourishing in India because of various reasons i.e. the Indian cattle yields less milk in comparison to the other foreign countries. This is one of the major reasons why Indians are looking for the ways of improving milk capacity using cross breeding. So, undoubtedly it has a huge potential for growing and this is also believed to be profitable investment to make in the present scenario.

Dairy business in India

India is a place, where investors keep on looking for opportunities in the dairy industry. After all, this industry possesses a great potential and also promises a good return to the investors. For any investor, to invest in the dairy business it is important that they understand what are the probable reasons owing to which it promises high returns to investors?

Reasons why investment in dairy business is profitable

  1. Dairy business consists of the basic raw material i.e. milk which is available in abundance in the place.
  2. India possesses unlimited supply of technical and skilled labor which can be conveniently used in the dairy industry for yielding huge profits.
  3. The technological infrastructure needed for dairy business is available in India, thus making it the best place of this business.
  4. India has almost all the key elements which are required for regulating the free market system.
  5. There is also a great scope of investment for different dairy cultures which includes the dairy biologics, enzymes and also the other coloring materials which is required for food processing.
  6. Producing different bio preservative ingredients using dairy products or dairy products also opens up large amount of business opportunities for the customers.

The requirement of food packaging instruments is also one of the major necessities of dairy business based in India. Hence companies from different parts of the world can participate in the packaging industry and thus provide them with suitable packaging, thus keeping quality of products intact.